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EDU. MAIL 2020

This requires a few simple steps.

1. Visit this website:

2. Look For the 'Apply' button and click on it.

3. Then go to start a new application.

4. Select U.S Citizen and fill up all the forms.

*For the addresses, I recommend you use some from google maps. You can search for apartment addresses and use them.

*Fake addresses generated from FakeName or any other site are not recommended.

*Use a working Gmail address when required. This will be used to send you your SF ID required for future logins

* If asked for SSN, use this https://www.ssn-verify.com/generate

Email activation will take a few minutes (90 minutes max) as stated in their FAQ's, but when this has been done the Email icon at the top will now be clickable. https://prnt.sc/shcsvr

Then you will be redirected to outlook and start using your edu email! https://prnt.sc/shcu3t

Обрати внимание, когда перенапрвлят в Outlook, вводи данные своего SF ID а потом без тере, а потом @sfcollege.edu


Категория: Мои статьи | Добавил: nataly290361 (16.04.2020)
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